I realize I haven't been very good about posting pics and updating my Facebook, so I thought I'd give a quick recap of this past year as its been quite eventful.
The year started off in a whirlwind when we bought our home in February. It was quite a fixer-upper and even though I was six months preggo with an 18 month old in tow, I tackled the cosmetic side of things with as much excitement as a six year old on Christmas morning!! It was a blast and looking back I'm sort of amazed at the freedom Deep gave me to make big decisions (within the budget, of course ;) and the patience Ari had as I worked with contractors etc... Now our house is a home and I love love love having people visit (hint hint!!)

In May we welcomed Caleb Wilkerson into our family and like a lot of second-borns, he is so easy and mild-mannered. I think he may have been smiling when he came out of the womb and hasn't stopped smiling since. As Ari is naturally riding the temperamental waves common to two year olds, Caleb has been steady, resilient, patient, calm, and oh so snuggly. Everyone "warned" me that having kids 20 months apart would be so difficult, but by God's grace having Caleb has actually made difficult moments sweeter. I praise the Lord for knowing us better than we know ourselves and never giving us more than we can handle.
Deep and I celebrated our four-year wedding anniversary in August. I'm trying to think if we did anything.... All I know is, our marriage has become sweeter and more fulfilling with each passing year.
The depth of Deep's love for me has been proven most in the way he helps with the kids. I mean, he adores our children and does everything from changing the stinkiest of diapers to making bottles in the middle of the night to watching both kids for several hours while I shop or get my hair done! I think the coolest thing I've really seen this year in particular is how God has knit us closer to each other through ministry. As we are growing closer to HIM, He is using us as a team to help and bless others. I love my partner!
Ariana Lilu turned two in September and has matured as a big sister and my little shadow. As Deep has had to travel a lot for work this year, Ari and I have developed an even closer bond. She joins me in my morning ablutions and after breakfast we love to turn on Pandora and dance to her favorite songs (have to get my workout in somehow ;). She insists on wearing her "shades" and red and black polkadot heels just about everywhere we go.
Yes, she whines once in a while, and she pats her brother a little too hard on the head sometimes, but for the most part she is very compliant and resilient. I can take her anywhere and trust she will behave (especially when she can play with my phone)--how wonderful to finally be at this stage with her!!!
She and I have such a precious connection and understanding--and she is TWO. So even when she flirts with disobedience and sometimes gets disciplined, I always sense in her remorse and a desire to have our loving, playful connection restored.
I can get her to do almost anything with the promise of sesame street and though she loves to color and read books, technology has caught her fancy. She knows how to use the iPad better than me.
And something that brings me much joy is watching the bond she and her daddy have over music (listening to it and playing it on the piano) and their own secret made-up words. I love having Ari Lee in my life!
Okay...that is a quick overview of the important stuff anyway. And my kids are crying...tootles ;)
The year started off in a whirlwind when we bought our home in February. It was quite a fixer-upper and even though I was six months preggo with an 18 month old in tow, I tackled the cosmetic side of things with as much excitement as a six year old on Christmas morning!! It was a blast and looking back I'm sort of amazed at the freedom Deep gave me to make big decisions (within the budget, of course ;) and the patience Ari had as I worked with contractors etc... Now our house is a home and I love love love having people visit (hint hint!!)
Above is a picture of our living room and below we did some work to the cabinets and lighting.
(there were many more rooms we fixed up but I don't have before and afters)
Deep and I celebrated our four-year wedding anniversary in August. I'm trying to think if we did anything.... All I know is, our marriage has become sweeter and more fulfilling with each passing year.
The depth of Deep's love for me has been proven most in the way he helps with the kids. I mean, he adores our children and does everything from changing the stinkiest of diapers to making bottles in the middle of the night to watching both kids for several hours while I shop or get my hair done! I think the coolest thing I've really seen this year in particular is how God has knit us closer to each other through ministry. As we are growing closer to HIM, He is using us as a team to help and bless others. I love my partner!
Ariana Lilu turned two in September and has matured as a big sister and my little shadow. As Deep has had to travel a lot for work this year, Ari and I have developed an even closer bond. She joins me in my morning ablutions and after breakfast we love to turn on Pandora and dance to her favorite songs (have to get my workout in somehow ;). She insists on wearing her "shades" and red and black polkadot heels just about everywhere we go.
Yes, she whines once in a while, and she pats her brother a little too hard on the head sometimes, but for the most part she is very compliant and resilient. I can take her anywhere and trust she will behave (especially when she can play with my phone)--how wonderful to finally be at this stage with her!!!
She and I have such a precious connection and understanding--and she is TWO. So even when she flirts with disobedience and sometimes gets disciplined, I always sense in her remorse and a desire to have our loving, playful connection restored.
I can get her to do almost anything with the promise of sesame street and though she loves to color and read books, technology has caught her fancy. She knows how to use the iPad better than me.
And something that brings me much joy is watching the bond she and her daddy have over music (listening to it and playing it on the piano) and their own secret made-up words. I love having Ari Lee in my life!
And finally, this past year our "Bible study group" grew to see itself more as a church. Elders were appointed to lead this small group of people to be a representation of the Body of Christ. We have a church name and website...so I think that makes us official ;) But over the past year, as we've watched people come and go, we have seen the hand of God at work. He has brought together 20 to 25 people who are about as different as they come, yet who are gripped with the truths of the New Covenant and want to be one working together under the 'head' Jesus Christ. The Lord has given me a love for the women in our church that is hard to describe, but a love I know comes only from Him. I'm so thankful for the fellowship and encouragement I'm able to get week after week as we are all seeking the Holy Spirit for power to overcome sin and to love one another. So many people don't have this kind of true fellowship with other Christians and I just want to be intentional never to take it for granted.
Oh Laura, I miss you! So great to see what has been happening with you and your family. God is truly at work!!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, your house looks so fantastic! How I would love to come over and have a chat. Now that I think of it, I don't have your new address. Let me know and if I am ever on you side of the country, I will be sure to stop by. :) Heather
Oh man this remodeling job is impressive! Mark and I want to do something like this...we may have some questions for you guys, your place looks great :)