Oh my...what to say? March?....that was my last blog post. Sorry guys...I have had some 'note worthy' things to post, but just haven't made the time to write them out. Maybe my new goal will be a post a quarter ;) We'll see if that happens.
That said, I'd like to take some time while I'm feeling motivated (and guilty) to write a couple of posts about some of the adventures/everyday stuff we've experienced since, well, last March. Ahem...
In April we got to go on a little vacation to a place I'd never been--Hawaii! Don't ask me what island we were on...I still don't know ;) I just know it was beautiful. I especially enjoyed this trip because it was purely for pleasure--no work or ministry for Deep. Which means I got my husband all to myself...sort of ;)
Ari is not a real excitable child, but there was no question she loved the ocean. When we'd be in the pool she'd beg us to go back to the ocean. The waves, the sand, the sense of control she had in the shallow water... it was precious watching her in her element.
We ate some great food.... outdoors!
But as you can imagine, my one year old son didn't appreciate 'fine dining' and felt everything on the table should be on the floor...with a loud bang :/
Thankfully we were with my brother's family who also had small kids! Yep, we were "that table" ;)
They played together, waited patiently for ice-cream together, and even slept together!
Overall we had a relaxing time. Thankful the Lord allowed us a little 'break' from the everyday and enough miles to pay for it all ;) Here is how 99% of our attempts at family pictures turn out... I usually only post that 1%... but those get boring!